Anchorage Skijor Club's skijor clinics are held twice each winter and are usually well attended. Each clinic begins at 10am with an hour-long classroom discussion at Alaska Mill Feed and Garden Center, followed by an outdoor session. Topics covered include choice of dog, training the dog, commands, dog harness fitting, canine nutrition, skijor equipment, trail etiquette, passing and skijoring technique.
Clinic participants should be able to ski (skate is preferred) in order to enjoy the outdoor portion of the clinic. ASC can loan attendees skijoring belts, bungees, harnesses and with prior arrangement, even dogs.
Registration is at the clinic, starting at 9:30. No need to preregister. Fee for the clinic is $25. (Attendees are offered a $10 discount on club dues if they join the club at the clinic.) Minors' legal guardians must sign consent at the clinic. (Checks are preferred and we accept cash as well.)
The location of the outdoor portion will be given at the clinic. If we are unable to do the outdoor portion, a raincheck will be given. We will try to provide another announcement via email and our Facebook page regarding the outdoor portion.
Call the WOOF line (349-WOOF) for last-minute info.